
Monday, August 30, 2010

Katie is back from her trip, and the school year is about to begin again. We are coming to our final stages of the project, and it has been amazing. We met yesterday for breakfast and then went to the reading room to look at footage of our trips and discuss how we want to present the work we have done. I am quite excited to see it all come together and very greatful for the opportunity we have been given by the reading room. I move into a studio space in September, I hope to be able to begin documenting some of the installations I want to use in the final show, will try to post images when they become available. I think the show will be exciting, we have video, ongoing performance, installations, and are considering ways to make the gallery space into a magical, experiential environment.. !

some themes we are focusing on:
landscape (human, environment, historical)

I have some great quotes and thoughts I hope to scan or type out on the subject..
okay, that's all.. just thought to get a few notes down about where things are at.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

link i might need: how to construct electric fence

i have been considering an installation using electric fence to discuss the ways that certain things are well guarded and protected (such as in business) but other things, such as culture, emotions, ideas are often left quite exposed to be manipulated or destroyed..

by placing electric wire, or maybe i will just use barbed wire. wonder where to get that in montreal...

thoughts to be continued..

Saturday, August 7, 2010

some thoughts about landscape

" How beautiful it was," said the Lone Ranger.
" Yes," said Ishmael. " How beautiful it is."
"It is ever changing," said Robinson Crusoe.
"It remains the same," said Hawkeye.
Green Grass Running Water, King, Thomas. pp. 197

“Landscape, by traditional definition in the visual arts, is a rendering or facsimile of a physical place. A painting (or photograph) of the landscape is inherently artificial, by virtue of its two-dimensionality, but also of its inertia. Landscape in the real world is not static, but constantly changing.”

Off the Map, landscape in the Native imagination, pp. 18

i think i was maybe 8 or 9 or 10. my mom had moved to saskatchewan, it was summer. my uncle jorma was so cool, he had braids and handmade string bags, one of which i somehow inherited and wore until i could patch it no more. He was handsome and outlandish, his eyebrows came off his forehead and his wild bright eye’s were like owl eyes.

He and his magical wife moved to a place in the country, we were invited to spend some time there. It was me and the cousin’s, we went at night, traveling under a tarp. We lay on our backs, the truck clanked and cluncked, i was in love with my uncles wife’s son, i think he was my first love, but it was wrong even though we had no blood between us, his sister hated him, so by default she hated me, and i was too young for that kind of love, but thats another landscape all together.

it was invigorating, the ride, the love, the hate, the smell of air free from city. summers in the city were stuffy, summers in saskatchewan were nothing but space. pure, open, starry, cool, fresh space.

the sky was dark between prince albert and clear water, the stars were so beautiful i couldn’t believe it, they made me feel alive, the space made me feel alive, the fact that it was illegal and naughty made me feel alive. i liked it.

the summers were so hot there that we (the kids) slept in our underwear on a table outside, i guess the bugs weren’t like they are now, or we wouldn’t survive. after sleeping and sweating, it was just miles and miles and miles of space and with space was possibility, beautiful, exhilarating, stunning space.