Hi, everyone!
I am the FARR fall resident! My name is Paige.
The next six weeks at FARR are all about collage. Every week on Monday I will write a little about the medium's history on here, and every Friday, Collage Club will make something totally new out of the FARR archive. I'm really excited to see what we come up with every Friday 6-9 at FARR! (The "we" I'm talking about would ideally include you and all your friends)
Anyways, on to the blog post content. This is just an introduction, so no facts 2day. This week is all about starting points. What's the state of my collages, your collages, FARR's collages right now?
FARR has some great collage work in their zine section, here are some examples for u to look at:
from MAD zine (N7433.7L86 2012)
from Anothernet by Jeremy Dabrowski (N 7433.7 D33 2011)
Etter Patui zine ( NC143. B877 2007)
New Civilizations: A Book of Collages by Chris Foster (N 7433.7 F678 2011)
As for my collages, I recently figured out where to buy National Geographics in Montreal (churches and their garage sales) so I'm set, just cutting stuff up, getting ready for you all to come to Collage Club on the 30th. Here is a Club Materials preview:
Here are some of my collages from an ongoing snake-related project so you get a sense of what I'm all about:
I'm so excited to be FARR's resident and make something really cool with all of you, and the archive! Thanks for reading, watch this space for next week's post about early collage history! Also check out the tumblr I made to for the club, I'll be posting collage works every day from all corners of the internet!
- Paige