are a bit of a bugger at concordia it seems, not impossible, but definitely not without some definite hoop jumping type activities. Not to mention some connections - connections are important in any institution. Thank (insert your own version of God) for Tricia Middleton!
Amazing what you can and cannot do in a space, and also how to do performance in the context of needing permissions.. always interesting. it's like saying - be subversive, but get permission! :)
but hey, i think the impact is better in the end if you can get clearance, then chances are whatever does go up will stay up much longer, hurah!
Well, I suppose that's all. It is hard to make time to do all the many little and big things demanded at this time of year, so I thought I should put something up about these initial stages of our residency, which seem like a lot of sifting through mud to find the clean water, both in our mind and in what is possible institutionally.
and, back to women's studies paper writing, hurah!