all of the following information can be found on Concordia's Communications and Print Graphics Standards Manual and The Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic Standards and Procedures Manual
The overwhelming view of Concordia is that we are a daring, approachable and engaged university; an institution that is rich in diversity and committed to the highest standards of learning and research. Based on this information, University Communications Services was given the mandate to examine how Concordia communicates its key messages visually, in speeches, and through published and electronic media. They identified four characteristics as being essential guides for our visual expression and key messages. These are: high quality, daring, diversity, and approachability.
Our logo is a symbol of our commitment to innovation, excellence and involvement in our community. It reflects our growth and development, the renewal of our campuses, and above all our vision of becoming a leading university in Canada. All Concordians and alumni from each of our founding institutions should be proud of this logo. It preserves our heritage by maintaining the emblems that speak so eloquently of our past, and transforms these symbols into a dynamic expression of our confidence in our future.
-Concordia Colour Palette:
Burgundy: C = 0, M = 100, Y = 60, K = 46
Gold: C = 0, M = 25, Y = 50, K = 35
Light Gold: C = 0, M = 15, Y = 30, K = 21
- Fine Arts Visual Identity Standards:
1. Horizontal line (in Concordia burgundy) with a rough or hand-drawn feel, which represents a connecting thread between the departments, units and Faculty;
2. Required Concordia graphic signature (book element) appropriately integrated into the horizontal line.
3. Department or Faculty of Fine Arts logo (primary) with option of adding the Concordia logo where visually appropriate.
4. Gill Sans as the primary title or body text font (no Ultra Bold or Black); 5. Composite image representing each department and the Faculty, presented in a diamond-like shape on a white background withthe horizontal line running through it.
was the old logo really that bad?

and here are some P.C. tips courtesy of the Editorial Style Guide,
INSTEAD OF: Professionals and their wives….
USE: Professionals and their partners are welcome at the event.
INSTEAD OF: Each applicant must send two copies of his academic record….
USE: Send two copies of your academic record to the Registrar’s Office. Or All applicants should send two copies of their academic records.
INSTEAD OF: Professors worked closely with the Chinese on the project.
USE: The Chinese community worked closely with professors on the project.
INSTEAD OF: John Capobianco praised his grad student John-Christopher.
USE: John Capobianco gave PhD candidate John-Christopher Boyer enthusiastic praise for his contributions to their research project.