Music and Literature Issue One / Fall 2012
Stories and conversations and manuscripts and the programs of musical evenings: I seem in throughout the residency to have followed in the footsteps of "Pärt, Selby, Marcom", the first issue of the Music and Literature magazine. There is a certain fastidiousness I can completely relate to in terms of the collecting of any little trace of an event, a thought, a draft. I mostly read the sections of the book relating to Pärt, and most of it is really the work of a historian, retracing every slight tendency and documenting a break or a choice with the utmost precision for fear we might forget. It places a great deal of importance on the processes of creation, which is, in the end, what the work around and from Musique ludique has been about.
Book suggestions
Bailey, Derek, Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice in Music, 1980
Ross, Alex, The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, 2007
Zimmermann, Walter, Desert Plants: Conversations with 23 American Musicians, 1976