
Monday, April 29, 2013

Transcript of a Conversation between Robert M. Lepage, composer, cartoonist, and his daughter.

I am almost done transcribing over an hour's worth of small talk and deep thoughts on Robert's musical improv game and his career, and my memories growing up throughout. The French transcription I typed on a tiny, fussy blue thing; the English translation of the funner excerpts I will post up here shortly.

Transcribing I was interested in the sounds of casual conversation and how to spell them. There something strange about both of our speeches -- his is almost indescribable -- I don't hear its accent strongly, I mostly hear the tones, the texture, and the clarity. Mine is accented by many years spent in a French school and some years spent loosening up. And some eagerness, I suppose.

Top down: a 1983 programme for an evening of improv with Jean Derome and Robert M. Lepage; transcript p. 1: Dessine-moi un mouton is actually Dessine-moi une chanson  and can be watched in full here; transcript p. 2: La Princesse Maladroite is one of Robert's characters; she can't dress herself very well so her dad makes her a onesie full of sleeves for arms and legs.