F But in '71, what did you know of Inuit singing?
R Well, I knew the... I had heard Inuit singing, I even attended a few performances, because at the time the Société de musique contemporaine, the SMCQ, was organizing what it called Musialogues with Maryvonne Kendergi and they invited Inuit throat singers and they performed
F Maryvonne who?
R Kendergi, K-E-N-D-E-R-G-I, she's a musicologist and was teaching at the University of Montreal at the time, she would organize these, these conferences that she called the Musialogues, and for those Musialogues she invited Xénakis, Stockhausen,
R Messiaen, um,
R They all came, they came and talked to us, Takemitsu,
F Who's that? Is he Japanese?
R Yes he is, I had sent you a, a
F YES! Yeah, yeah, right, I remember
R So all these, these composers from the 70's came and talker about their work and at the same time she invited um, a Spanish band, ZAJ, like um Z-A-J and they would, um, perform with all sorts of gestures and moves according to musical scores, it was, it was, there was no sound, and it was just this activity that was organized by the
F That's like Mme Cholette's scales! (*Mme Cholette was my music prof at the little school -- she would make us sing scales stressing each note with our hands, higher and higher like they were climbing a staircase)
R Mme Cholette, yeah, but ZAJ would put on a hat, take it off, sit down, stand up
F Very Fluxus that
R Very Fluxus, that's it, but that was in the 60's, you know, I'm talking about '71, '72, we were pretty close to Fluxus then